64% Of Americans Increased Their Impulse Spending Over The Past Year

Late-night online shopping is common. Slickdeals found that 64 percent of respondents

boosted their impulse buying this year. Splurge predicts that people spend $314 more per

month than they should. Which equates to $3,700/year. Revenge spending is in, ESSENCE

reported. After spending so much time at home during the COVID-19 lockdown, people

started overspending. In contrast to 2021, when only 15% of respondents felt the year

was difficult, and 2020, where 47% of respondents felt the year was difficult, a

Slickdeals survey indicated that 58% of respondents believed 2022 to be especially

difficult economically for them. How difficult was 2022 for you financially?

What are you doing differently in 2023 to make sure you’re financially fit? 


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